Answer the following questions about Bentobox. Ideally on both ethereum and polygon.
In this article, we will analyze the Bentobox transactions and derive average deposit size for each user and average number of coins deposited per user comparing across 2021 & 2022 across both Ethereum and Polygon blockchains, with supporting graphs and visuals.
In order to analyze the Bentobox transactions and its average deposit size for each user and average number of coins deposited per user across Ethereum and Polygon blockchains, and compare its behavior across 2021 and 2022.
We will derive the average deposit size for each user and average number of coins deposited per user using ethereum.udm_events and polygon.udm_events tables for 2021 & 2022.
Here is the contract addresses for Sushiswap: Bentobox V1 on Ethereum and Polygon networks.
Polygon : 0x0319000133d3ada02600f0875d2cf03d442c3367
Ethereum : 0xF5BCE5077908a1b7370B9ae04AdC565EBd643966
Bentobox - Average deposit size per user in 2021 & 2022 - On Polygon Chain
Here is the visual that shows the average deposit size of each user for Bentobox in the years 2021 and 2022 on Polygon chain. We can see that the user address 0x67fc8c432448f9a8d541c17579ef7a 142378d5ad records the maximum average deposit size of 844K in the year 2022.
Bentobox - Average Number of Coins Deposited per user in 2021 & 2022 - On Polygon Chain